PHP4.04 新增加了专用的字符函数 Ctype
Character type functions These functions check whether a character or string falls into a certain character class according to the i current locale. 这些函数根据当前现场的 i 检查一个字符或字符串是否在一个字符类里面! When called with an integer argument these functions behave exactly like their C counterparts. When called with a string argument they will check every character in the string and will only return true if every character in the string matches the requested criteria. Passing anything else but a string or integer will return false immediately.
These functions are new as of PHP 4.0.4 and might change their name in the near future. Suggestions are to change them to ctype_issomething() instead of ctype_somthing() or even to make them part of ext/standard and use their original C-names, although this would possibly lead to further confusion regarding the isset() vs. is_sometype() problem. 这些函数是 php4.04 新增加的。可能在近期改变。建议包括更改 ctype_issomething() 代替 ctype_somthing(),甚至让他们成为扩展/标准的一部分,和使用他们的原始 C_名字。尽管可能导致将来 isset() 对 is_sometype() 的混乱。
- 上一篇:php4的彩蛋
- 下一篇:PHP4.04 增加了对无限精度运算的支持