

' 通过上一步的验证,现在应该要检查小点是否有3个
     If dot_count <> &H03 Then
     Valid_IP = False
     Exit Function
     End If
     ' 一切正常,那么该IP为正确的IP地址
     Valid_IP = True
     End Function
     ' 转换一个数值为IP
     Public Function CStringIP(ByVal anNewIP)
     Dim lsResults
     Dim lnTemp
     Dim lnIndex
     For lnIndex = &H03 To &H00 Step -&H01
     lnTemp = Int(anNewIP / (&H100 ^ lnIndex))
     lsResults = lsResults & lnTemp & "."
     anNewIP = anNewIP - (lnTemp * (&H100 ^ lnIndex))
     lsResults = Left(lsResults, Len(lsResults) - &H01)
     CStringIP = lsResults
     End function
     ' 转换一个IP到数值
     Public Function CLongIP(ByVal asNewIP)
     Dim lnResults
     Dim lnIndex
     Dim lnIpAry
     lnIpAry = Split(asNewIP, ".", &H04)
     For lnIndex = &H00 To &H03
     if Not lnIndex = &H03 Then
     lnIpAry(lnIndex) = lnIpAry(lnIndex) * (&H100 ^ (&H03 - lnIndex))
     End if
     lnResults = lnResults + lnIpAry(lnIndex)
     CLongIP = lnResults
     End function
     ' 取Client IP
     Public Function GetClientIP()
     dim uIpAddr
     ' 本函数参考webcn.Net/AspHouse 文献<取真实的客户IP>
     uIpAddr = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
     If uIpAddr = "" Then uIpAddr = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
     GetClientIP = uIpAddr
     uIpAddr = ""
     End function
     ' 读取IP所在地的信息
     Public function GetIpAddrInfo()
     Dim tmpIpAddr
     Dim IpAddrVal
     Dim ic,charSpace
     Dim tmpSQL
     charSpace = ""
     IpAddrVal = IpAddress
     If Not Valid_IP(IpAddrVal) Then
     GetIpAddrInfo =NULL
     Exit Function
     End If
    tmpIpAddr = Split(IpAddrVal,".",-1,1)
     For ic = &H00 To Ubound(tmpIpAddr)
     Select Case Len(tmpIpAddr(ic))
     Case &H01 :charSpace = "00"
     Case &H02 :charSpace = "0"
     Case Else :charSpace = ""
     End Select
     tmpIpAddr(ic) = charSpace & tmpIpAddr(ic)
     IpAddrVal = tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H01) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H02) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H03)
     'CREATE TABLE [dbo].[wry] (
     ' [STARTIP] [nvarchar] (17) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , --起始IP段
     ' [ENDIP] [nvarchar] (17) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , --终止IP段
     ' [COUNTRY] [nvarchar] (16) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , --国家或者地区
     ' [LOCAL] [nvarchar] (54) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , --本地地址
     ' [THANK] [nvarchar] (23) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL --感谢修正IP地址用户姓名
     ') ON [PRIMARY]
     tmpSQL = "select * from wry where (startIP<='" & IpAddrVal & "') and (ENDIP>='" & IpAddrVal & "') " & _
     " and left(startIP," & Len(tmpIpAddr(&H00)) & ") = '" & tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "'" & _
     " and left(endip," & Len(tmpIpAddr(&H00)) & ")='" & tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "'"
     charSpace = GetDbIpInfo(tmpSQL)
     If Len(charSpace)=&H00 Then
     GetIpAddrInfo = NULL
     GetIpAddrInfo = charSpace
     End If
     charSpace = Null
     tmpSQL = Null
     end function
     ' 返回数据查询的字符串
     Private function GetDbIpInfo(byVal sql)
     Dim OpenIpSearchRs
     Dim result
     Set OpenIpSearchRs = SQLExeCute(sql)
     If Not OpenIpSearchRs.Eof Then
     result = NullToSpace(OpenIpSearchRs("COUNTRY")) & "," & NullToSpace(OpenIpSearchRs("LOCAL")) & "," & NullToSpace(OpenIpSearchRs                    ("THANK"))
     result = NULL
     End If
     Set OpenIpSearchRs=Nothing
     GetDbIpInfo = result
     End function
     ' 将数据库空记录转换为空字符
     Private function NullToSpace(byVal rsStr)
     If isNull(rsStr) Then
     NullToSpace = ""
     NullToSpace = Trim(rsStr)
     End If
     End Function
    End Class

  • 上一篇:ASP获取客户端MAC地址
  • 下一篇:ASP编写完整的IP所在地搜索类(二)