在一些碰到过的多媒体软件编制过程中通常需要彻底屏蔽任务条,通常的办法是调用ShowWindow(h,SW_hide)来隐藏任务条,但是不能屏蔽开始菜单,通过键盘的win功能键还是可以打开开始菜单,所以配合键盘钩子,来屏蔽开始菜单。 library HIDE;
{ Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. }
uses SysUtils, Classes, windows, messages;
var hHk :HHOOK; type PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT = ^KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT; KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT = record vkCode: DWORD; ScanCode: DWORD; Flags: DWORD; Time: DWORD; dwExtraInfo: DWORD; end; {$R *.res} function ycxsks( yc:Boolean): Boolean;stdcall; //隐藏-显示任务条 var h:THandle; begin if yc = True then begin h:=FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil); ShowWindow(h,SW_hide); //隐藏任务条 end else begin h:=FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd',nil); ShowWindow(h,SW_SHOW); //显示任务条 end; Result:=true; end;
function keyHookProc(nCode: Integer;WParam: WPARAM;LParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;stdcall; //调用键盘钩子,屏蔽左右win功能键 var p: PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT; y: integer; begin if nCode<0 then Result:= CallNextHookEx(hHk,nCode,WParam,LParam) else begin y := 0; case WParam of WM_KEYDOWN,WM_SYSKEYDOWN: //按键后判断所按键 begin p:=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(Lparam); if p^.vkCode = VK_LWIN then y := 1; if p^.vkCode = VK_RWIN then y := 1; end; WM_KEYUP,WM_SYSKEYUP: //松开按键后判断所按键 begin p:=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(Lparam); if p^.vkCode = VK_LWIN then y := 1; if p^.vkCode = VK_RWIN then y := 1; end; end; if y=1 then Result:=1 //如果为WIN功能键则屏蔽 else Result:= CallNextHookEx(hHk,nCode,WParam,LParam); //其他键放下一个钩子 end end;
function Enablehide:Boolean;stdcall;export; //外部调用 begin if hHk = 0 then begin hHk := SetWindowsHookEx(13,@keyHookProc,HInstance,0); Result := True; end else Result := False; ycxsks(true); end;
function Disablehide:Boolean; stdcall; export; //外部调用 begin if hHk <> 0 then begin UnHookWindowsHookEx(hHk); hHk := 0; Result := True; end else Result := False; ycxsks(False); end;
exports Enablehide, Disablehide; end |