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生产环境有一个MySQL的Master-Slave的复制。前一阵子机房网络升级,但是考虑到一般网络故障恢复之后,只需要start slave即可所以没有做任何的处理。但是第二天上班的时候,在Slave数据库上输入
1、把主键定义为自动增长标识符类型在mysql中,如果把表的主键设为auto_increment类型,数据库就会自动为主键赋&#20540;。例如:create table customers(id int auto_increment primary key notn
CentOSApacheLAMP Install Apache2, PHP5 And MySQL Support On CentOS 7 (LAMP) Version 1.0 Authors: Till Brehm , Falko Timme Updates: Srijan Kishore Follow Howtoforge o
MySQL indexes are often used to make performance better. However, they can make performance suffer if you are not using them properly. MySQL Guru Sheeri Cabral explains the pi
Welcome to another blog post from theMySQL for ExcelTeam. Today we're going to talk about a new feature included since MySQL for Excel1.3.0, remember you can always install th
MYSQL 5.6.14解压版安装步骤1. 从http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/下载MySQL解压版,解压缩之后其实MySQL就可以使用了,但是要进行配置。2. 解压之后可以将该文件夹改名,放到合适的位置,我
I had the pleasure of presenting to the PHP Users Group Philippines a few days ago aboutmysqlnd_ms. The mysqlnd plugin, MySQL Master Slave, is a transparent layer on top of my
最近花了一些时间在做MySQL Group Commit的优化,关于Group commit的原理,这里不再赘述,有兴趣的可以翻阅我之前的博客http://mysqllover.com/?p=581,这里简单描述下两点优化,主要基于MySQL5.6.16
mysqlbackup.php:mysqlbackup.bat:D:/xampp/php/php.exe -q D:/wamp/www/php_lib/basic/mysqlbackup.phppause;linux系统shell备份MySQL:#!/bin/sh# sed -i 's/^M//g' /home/taskschd/backup.
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